Video Guide for 

Responding to Surprises in Danish

15 Phrases for Smooth Communication

In the video (6:21)

you will find

  • recorded sentences with a pronunciation guide

  • some extra insights that will help you build your Danish further


Hold da op! – "Wow!" or "Oh my goodness!"

Er det rigtigt? – "Is that true?"

Nej, hvor vildt! – "Wow, that’s crazy!"

Seriøst? – "Seriously?"

Positive news

Hvor er det fedt! – "That’s awesome!"

Det lyder virkelig spændende! – "That sounds really exciting!

Negative news

Åh nej! – "Oh no!"

Det er jeg ked af at høre. – "I’m sorry to hear that."

Det var ærgerligt. – "That’s unfortunate."

Unsure if positive or negative

Det er en overraskelse. – "That’s a surprise."

Hvordan har du det med det? – "How do you feel about it?"


Det lyder utroligt! – "That sounds unbelievable!"

Det må være en joke! – "That must be a joke!"

Det er løgn! – "That’s a lie!" / "No way!"

Det siger du ikke! – "You don’t say!"

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